Your mortgage details
You can find these details on your most recent statement. If you have more than one Repayment Mortgage account, you’ll need to do separate calculations for each.
Will you have a mortgage when you retire?
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up your payments
We’re all living longer and healthier lives, which is great news. But as you age, you could find yourself becoming less financially resilient, which could affect your ability to pay your mortgage.
Take a look at our overpayment calculator to see how overpaying could affect your current mortgage.
You can find these details on your most recent statement. If you have more than one Repayment Mortgage account, you’ll need to do separate calculations for each.
Please note – the information here is for illustrative purposes only and isn’t a precise calculation. The tool doesn’t include all of the details you need to either make an overpayment or choose a mortgage. Make sure you read the separate Mortgage Illustration before you choose a mortgage.
Think carefully before securing other debts against your home. Your home may be repossessed if you don’t keep up repayments on your mortgage.